amityvilletruth amityville truth







We have our official message board linked below. All points of view are welcome and we do not censor what people post like other message boards. All we ask is for people to be courteous and respect everyone's opinion. If you click "chat" at top of message board, you can join in on Amityville Horror Chat 24 hours a day. You can set up a user account or log in under "guest".

ABC Primetime Thursday recently interviewed Mr. George Lutz and did a story on the Amityville Horror. They also did an online chat with him, the transcription of this chat can be found here.

Long Island Voice article where Ric Osuna admits to having proof that the Amityville Horror Haunting is true. On page 3, Ric Osuna is quoted saying he has proof "that the house truly is haunted" Cover Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

Scanned letter from Ric Osuna to Kathy Lutz

Ebay Auction where the supposed son of Geraldine Gates tried to make money off of letters from Ronnie DeFeo Jr.

Link to Possible new Holiday Movie.....

Lou Gentile contacted Ronnie DeFeo Jr. in prison concerning the murders and Ric Osuna's claims, Ronnie DeFeo wrote Lou Gentile back and here is DeFeo's transcribed letter.






The Amityville Truth Message Board and Chat

Official Documents Page

Lou Gentile's Amityville Week

Ronnie DeFeo Jr. Letter

Flip Flop Evidence and Other Goodies

Osuna's Contradictions

Michael Who?

People, More People and a Bag Full of Lies

History Channel Documentaries On The Amityville Horror

Newsday Article on Geraldine and Ronnie

Ric Osuna Promises of Documentation

Ric Osuna promises proceeds go to charity

Crime Scene Photo Posts by Gerri and Ric

Geraldine's Criminal Acts

Missing Amazon Reviews

The Ricbury Doughboy Parody





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